Six low or no cost self love activities during separation

Hollie Barac
read time
3 minutes
5 July 2023
A woman walking down a country driveway with a basket of flowers
Taking care of ourselves is important at any stage of our lives, especially during separation. Here’s a short list of no or low cost self love activities to help you take care of yourself during this time.

Today’s society often demands we give more of ourselves to things than we really have time or energy for. If you’re at the beginning—or any stage really—of a separation or divorce, that’s another thing you need to add to the energy taking mix.

While we at Anchored Family Law are here to make your family law matters easier, we also understand that there are many things happening during an unsettling time. And, unfortunately, it’s not uncommon to find caring for and spending time on yourself slips right through the cracks.

Here’s six no or low cost acts of self love you might find useful at any time during your separation.


Take a hot shower/bath

It might sound silly, but sometimes all you want to do is wash away the day.
While it isn’t physically possible, metaphorically it is.
Water has been scientifically proven to have a calming effect, so stand under that shower head, lather yourself up, play your favourite music, sing your heart out, and decompress and destress.

Not a shower person, or prefer to bathe? Create a serene spa-like experience. Candles, if they’re your thing, meditative music quietly in the background, and enjoy the calm of the water on your body. This spa-like experience works for those who prefer to shower, too.


A woman holds a bath bomb over the bath, with water coming out of the tap in the background.


Learn something new

The internet is rife with videos and tutorials to learn new things, and so many of them are free.
Want to learn a language? Check out Duolingo, available on iOS and Android.
Watercolours been teasing you? Have a look at this watercolours for beginners tutorial on Youtube.
Uncover a topic you’ve never thought about on TedEd.
Find new recipes on Pinterest.
Jumping on Google, Pinterest, or YouTube and searching for tutorials on something you’ve dreamed of learning should bring up loads of results.


Close up of a woman wearing an apron and holding a cup of clean paint brushes


Call a support person

Separation is tough. You don’t have to go through it alone. Pick up the phone and talk with someone you trust, but most importantly, someone who respects you. Tell them why you’re calling. If they’re not too far from you, they may even be able to pop in for a visit, or arrange to meet you in the not-too-distant future.


A woman sitting on a wooden bench with her phone in one hand and a mug in the other.



Grab a pen and a notebook and write whatever flows from brain to paper.
Check out these journal prompts on Pinterest. Or if creative writing is more your thing, take a look through this creative writing prompts search on Pinterest.


A woman writes in a notebook. The image is cropped to focus on the notebook.


Get outside

Did you know there are proven benefits for your mental health by getting outside? Like the water? Take yourself to the beach.
Prefer the hills? Find a quiet park and sit/walk in nature.
Maybe you don’t mind a run/walk. Kit up for a bit of a fitness session and get that heart rate pumping.


A woman doing outdoor yoga



Last but not least, the ultimate act of self love is rest. Sleep when you need to. Watch TV. Read. Whatever it is that helps you to switch off, do it. We’re not designed to be on 24/7.
Resting is not selfish, so please don’t ever feel guilty for having downtime, however that may look for you.


A woman's crossed legs and bare feet on a soft rug.


There are a great many acts of self love, but we didn’t want to overwhelm you. 

Use this list as a starting point, act on one or many, or find something else that brings sunshine to your life.